
Naqvi approves FC deployment in Azad Kashmir

Naqvi approves FC deployment in Azad Kashmir

Naqvi approves FC deployment in Azad Kashmir

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has sanctioned the deployment of the Frontier Corps (FC) in Azad Kashmir.

In a formal assembly at the Ministry of Interior, the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir, Mr. Chaudhry Anwar Haq, conferred with Senator Mohsin Naqvi regarding the prevailing law, order, and security milieu in Azad Kashmir.

During this high-level meeting, deliberations were also made concerning the budget of Azad Kashmir for the upcoming fiscal year.

Subsequent to these discussions, Minister Naqvi ratified the engagement of FC personnel in Azad Kashmir.

Official reports indicate that the government of Azad Kashmir had previously solicited the stationing of the FC to bolster the local police forces. The deployment aims to ensure the impregnable security of strategic infrastructures, namely the Neelum Jhelum, Mangla, and Gulpur power stations.

It is reported that an initial contingent of six platoons of the FC will be stationed in Azad Kashmir, with the provisional term of deployment being three months.

Minister Naqvi has pledged comprehensive support towards the consolidation of peace within Azad Kashmir and has committed to the enhancement of security protocols in the region.

He affirmed that the commitments made to the denizens of Azad Kashmir are in the process of being actualized, emphasizing the solidarity of the Pakistani government with both the administration and populace of Azad Kashmir.

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