
Mathira Speaks Candidly About Her Complicated Relationship With Her Father

Mathira, a beloved host and entertainer for nearly two decades, is known for her outspoken nature and candid opinions. As a single mother of three, she balances her role as a dedicated parent with her passions for animals and spirituality. Life’s challenges have shaped her into a strong and insightful individual.

On a recent episode of Wasi Shah’s show, Mathira shared her personal story, including the complicated relationship she had with her father. Born to a Zimbabwean father and a Pakistani mother, she was forced to leave Zimbabwe and move to Pakistan at the age of 14. During this turbulent time, her father was absent, and she only spoke to him briefly before he passed away three years ago. The lack of support during her formative years left a lasting impact on her.

Mathira also described the harrowing experience of being deported from Zimbabwe amid political unrest, an event that left her without her belongings and significantly affected her mental well-being. Despite these struggles, Mathira has grown more resilient and is ready to face whatever comes her way, drawing strength from her past experiences.

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