
OMR TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan – 01 September 2024

OMR TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan – 01 September 2024

OMR TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan – 01 September 2024

The OMR to PKR buying exchange rate is 725.45 as per the Pakistan Open Market, and the OMR/PKR selling exchange rate for 1 Omani Riyal to PKR is 729.82. Updated on 01 September, 2024.

Omani Riyal to PKR exchange rates

The information has been obtained from the Forex Association of Pakistan.

OMR to PKR Exchange rates fluctuate all the time, depending on worldwide supply and demand. Understanding the rate exchange for your currency on this page might assist you in converting currency at the best possible rate.

Currency Rates in Pakistan Open Market


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