
Bushra Ansari Stops Humayun Saeed from Saying ‘Aapa’

Bushra Ansari Stops Humayun Saeed from Saying ‘Aapa’

Bushra Ansari Stops Humayun Saeed from Saying ‘Aapa’

  • Bushra Ansari is a renowned singer, actress, and performer.
  • She announces her marriage to Iqbal Hussain.
  • She jokingly asked Humayun Saeed to stop calling her “Aapa”.

Bushra Ansari, a versatile icon known for her talents in singing, acting, and live performances, has recently announced her marriage to Iqbal Hussain after several years together.

Embracing this new chapter in her life, she expressed gratitude for the overwhelming love and blessings from her fans.

During a lighthearted interview, Bushra Ansari shared a humorous revelation. Renowned for her wit and charm, she disclosed that she jokingly told Humayun Saeed to stop calling her “Aapa” now that she is married to someone younger than him.

Despite her playful stance, Bushra mentioned that she doesn’t mind the term “Aapa,” seeing it as a mark of respect, which she finds preferable to being addressed as “Madam” all the time.

Her candid remarks added a touch of humor to the conversation, reflecting her lively personality and enduring popularity among fans of all ages.

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